The Trump Effect.


Since Donald J. Trump was sworn into office on Jan 20th of this year, and in just short ten days (writing on 1/30), he has caused chaos and panic in countries, communities and markets. How could the Trump Presidency affect the Toronto Real Estate Market?


1 – Property Prices Are Going Up, WAY UP:


The average price for a night’s stay at Trump Hotels shot up 30% immediately after the election*. It will go up more. Why? Because we are all invited to play the Billionaire Game, regardless if you can afford it or not.

What does that mean? It means that ALL PRICES are going up. This is just the beginning. Just watch the price of a single lemon, or orange, at your local store, and see how it goes up. It’s an indication for Inflation, or Cost of Living.

Mark my words:

Toronto Real Estate Prices will go up 10–20% in 2017.




2 – Rents are going up, WAY UP:


When Property price go up, it costs more to maintain, simply bc the mortgage amount is larger. Hence a need to raise rents so investors can retain their earnings on the units. If they cannot, they will divert their funds elsewhere, causing decrease in availability hence further price increase.

Investors, you must make up your minds and secure your investments now, otherwise you’ll pay more for them later, and make a lesser return. The best way to do this is to give us a call or email and start a discussion about a property that would fit your needs. We are reachable at

Investors & Renters: Prepare for Rent Increase.


Renters, you are about to pay a lot more for your rents. I say prepare for a 10–20% increase in your rents, every year, from now until further notice.


3 – Mortgage Rates are Going Up, Up:


The Banks and The Fed want their share of the pie. When Inflation hits, EVERYTHING becomes more expensive. What a better time than now to raise rates and cash in? It will be done gradually, like a frog put in cold water brought to boil… get it?

Prepare for a rate increase. Do it now.


Is it time for you to refinance? Do it now. Is it time for you to sell? Do it now. Is it time for you to move? Is it time for you to lock in? Do it now. Do it now. Do it now.

workers taking lunch on empire state bluildoing

4 – Planners Excel, Panickers Pay.

When you’re in a state of panic and ambiguity, you can’t think straight, so you don’t make the best decisions. As a result, you do not maximize returns on your investments, or perhaps you leak money.

The Trump way is fast and “unanticipated”. That is of course, a media glitz. With a bit of knowledge and wisdom, one can imagine what is about to happen, and act accordingly. And that’s the point here; a huge change is coming, it is an ustoppable wave that crushes all that resists it. Want to make it through? Find the gentle way to float your way, down the stream.

Plan Ahead and Capture the Moment.


Those who are stuck in their minds, on any side of the rainbow, are about to face great difficulties. The norms and strategies of yesterday are no longer valid. Continue with your old ways and you will experience financial (and other sorts of) pain. Forget what you know, open your mind and learn to swim in this new ocean of possibilities. Try something new!

sherlock holmes contemplating investments

5 – Insider Information and Access is EVERYTHING


In “The Old Days”, like, a week ago, people will line up for a couple of nights in the cold to buy a condo. Ya’ll remember the lineups and the “fake media” screaming here is the crash. That crash never happened, the lineups are still there and the media has lost its validity after we all start to realize that all media is fake media.

These lines were based on two major factors: one, that Toronto is globally under priced. Two, that you had access to the line. The system worked well for years. Now, prices are way up, and the lineups no longer make sense. Why? Because buying at full-rate with 80% or 90% investors sharing the same project is like buying into a college dorm, without the college.

So let’s introduce a bit of sophistication and thinking out of the box to help you make a better return. Use your knowledge. Do your homework. Avoid glitzy marketing, they are for the fools. A good investor prepares. A great investor reads between the lines.

Avoid glitzy marketing, they are for the fools.



In Peace and Prosperity,


Jan 30, 2017

Yossi Kaplan is a registered Real Estate Salesperson with Search Realty Corp. He is a graduate of the Executive MBA at the Richard Ivey School of Business. Yossi is reachable at 416.993.SOLD or online at

Disclaimer: The prophecy was given to the fools… I represent myself only and no one else, and my opinions are mine and only mine, so, do your homework and get professional advice with every investment.

* as heard on one of the main “fake news” outlets.

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