Exhibit Definitive Residences

Exhibit Definitive Residences : Toronto New Condos

Exhibit Residences is just a splendid condo rising 32 floors with over 200 suites. Prices start from $396,900 for a 1 bed sized 529 sq ft to $1,609,000 sized from 1492 sq ft. This magnificent tower is divided into 4 cubes.  Tentative occupancy date : 2014


Amenities at Exhibit Residences include : 24/7 Concierge, Entertainment floor, Private dining room, caterers kitchen, yoga studio, guest suites, Party room….


At the end of its completion Exhibit Definitive Residences will be known as a landmark in the city one of the condo that reflect the changing face of the city. At Exhibit Definitive Residences expect the best of luxury lifestyle with the best of features and finishes.

Regsiter with us for new condos : The Avendale by Minto and The Madison Condos

Yossi Kaplan, MBA
Sales Representative, Your Choice Realty
885 Don Mills Rd. Suite 104

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