East Fifty Five Condos – Platinum VIP Launch

East Fifty Five Condos at 55 Ontario St. is going on an exclusive one-day VIP Sale.

The sale is happening on Sat, April 18th.

If you are thinking of investing in Toronto’s booming downtown, you should seriously consider East Fifty Five for the following reasons:

  • Excellent location on Ontario St. [between King and Queen]
  • Beautiful designer building with a sexy outdoor pool
  • Useful and practical layout – crucial for landlords and re-sale values
  • Modern finishes with designer kitchens and baths – not the cheap ugly stuff
  • 9′ ceilings, 10′ on some – lofty feel
  • Excellent prices and the lowest they will ever be – Platinum buyers get the best prices.
  • We anticipate that by time of completion, rents in the area will be at least $3-3.25 per foot. For example, a 600-sq ft condo will be expecting to get (in rents) $1,800 to 1,950/mo. (plus hydro).
  • We anticipate a good appreciation for this building for these reasons:
    • Location – in the heart of the city, surrounded by workplaces and entertainment
    • Excellent builder reputation and quality of construction and finishes
    • Outdoor pool – the city has an obsession with those and values follow
    • Designer common areas and rest of amenities

Interested? You should be. We believe that East Fifty Five is one of the highest quality/designer buildings available today, and provides the most value out of all contenders. By value we mean “what you get for your money”. Here, you get all the bells and whistles that typical buyers such as investors, home owners and tenants love. This is why we anticipate that this building will do very well, get excellent rental rates with fast appreciating re-sale values.

For prices & floorplans, RSVP here:

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EAST55 CONDOS - 55 ONTARIO ST - RENDER NE - CONTACT YOSSI KAPLANEast Fifty Five Condos on 55 Ontario Street. Excellent investment opportunity. For more info, contact Yossi Kaplan.

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