155 Redpath – Guaranteed Rental Program & Model Suite Walk-Through

155 Redpath Condos – Guaranteed Rental Program

Many of my clients clients have this one problem with buying Real Estate for investment purposes: They are afraid of managing a rental unit.

I often hear this: “Yossi, I know that buying Real Estate is the right thing to do. All my friends own Real Estate investments and they do well. For some reason, I can’t bring myself to do it. I am afraid of managing a rental unit”.

OK friends, I have the solution for you. We now have Guaranteed Rental Program in place for 155 Redppath Condos. The elite designer project by Freed Developments – builders of Thompson Hotel, Thompson Residences, 75 Portland and Fashion House Condos.

Guaranteed Rental Program takes care of securing a tenant, collecting the rents and managing the property, all in one. At 155 Redpath Condos, we are giving our VIP clients the Guaranteed Rental Program at no cost to them. You get 100% of the rents and no fees are charged to you. Everything is taken care for you: securing a tenant, checking credit scores and employment letters, and collecting the rents.

When you buy the unit at 155 Redpath through our VIP Investor Program, you can join our Guaranteed Rental Program. Once again: there is no cost to you, and you get 100% of the rents, paid to you, real money. It’s not a trick. It’s not a discount on closing. It’s money in the bank. It’s the new way to buy Investment in Real Estate.

Interested? Fill this form and and we’ll get back to you quickly.

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Continue to Part 2

Continue to Part 3


If you see your agent in the photo (I’m not in it – I took it), you have a great agent. You WILL get a unit at 155 Redpath Condos at our sale. If you DO NOT see your agent in the photo, you may have to settle for second best, or nothing at all, as the amount of units requested is about three times greater than the number of units available. Short story long: call me and I’ll you set it up.

By the way, I’m #2 on the list, my clients will get the BEST selection of unit. Bam!


Excited agents take a photo of the entry list to the event page. I’m at #2. So my clients have the best selection available!

155 Redpath – Guaranteed Rental Program & Model Suite Walk-Through by Yossi Kaplan.

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